Attending policy-relevant events as they emerge over the coming three years, including presentations at task force meetings, plenaries and conservation congresses.
Highlighting case studies of inclusive conservation from our study sites on a best practices web portal.
Encouraging integration of project findings in the EUpolicy agenda through strategic events targeted to EU decision-makers and private sector interests involved in biodiversity and PA policy debates.
Closing event highlighting project outcomes, successes, and linkages to the post-2020 biodiversity framework development
Engagement with stakeholders to ensure that our research is relevant to the needs of protected areas managers and policy makers at different geographic scales.
A graphic interview tool using arts-based approaches to make community engagement interactive and accessible (Metzger and De Vries Lentsch 2018).
Reconstructing past visions and drivers by performing oral history interviews and analyzing historical datasets
Creating knowledge inventories with information relevant to key stakeholder values, motives, activities, knowledge, experiences over time and networks.
Recording stakeholder visions on the use and management of land for multiple purposes (multi-functionality), based on the current situation and future outlook.
Models based on a range of different land management measures to understand consequences of achieving different stakeholder visions.
Conducting stakeholder workshops and individual interviews to deliberate on the consequences of the model results for protected areas management.
Combining arts-based tools, focus groups, and participatory mapping approaches to investigate the perceived socio-economic and biophysical changes in the landscape and underlying drivers.
Residential surveys will be used to empirically assess the preferences of residents for the future growth
Experiments to determine how values may shift in response to stakeholder dialogue and social learning.
Workshops where local stakeholders identify drivers of change and alternative futures for protected area management that best address uncertainties.
The assessment will provide input for the discussion of cross scale interactions and will feed into the Resilience Assessment.
Interviewing actors with a stake in decisions at regional and local levels influencing conservation.
Identifying alliances, tensions and potential leverage points to change the institutional setting towards more inclusive conservation and integrated protected areas management.
Exploring synergies and trade-offs between different needs and uses, visions, and values.